Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb, Croatia
welcomes guests from all over the World

WELCOME information for guest professors/researchers/staff


Most guest professors arriving to their study/research visit to our Faculty arrive trough signed bilateral agreements on cooperation.

All provisions are proscribed with the agreement on cooperation and guest professors receive further instructions.

In most cases, guest professor are entitled to accommodation (with some exceptions pending on the respective agreement, e.g. University of Pecs).

IMPORTAINT: If you are entitled to any sort of payments (grants, per diems, etc.) you need to have OIB *** (personal identification number).

If your home institution requires the  INVITATION LETTER please contact your academic partner at our Faculty, fill out the form and send it to email: tsveljo@ffzg.hr as to be signed by the responsible person.

2. ERASMUS+ Please contact your home Office for International Cooperation. Welcome information


Pending on the program requirements.


Guest professor Andrea Ravignani from the Sapienza University, Roma held a lecture The origins of rhythm and vocal learning at the Department of Phonetics on February, 19. 2024.

Visit of Vice President of Bulgaria

H.E. Mrs Iliana Iotova Vice President of Bulgaria on October 27th, 2022. Donation of books.

Institut Camoes, Portugal

Agreement on cooperation Institut Camoes – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences signed on May 27, 2022.

Humboldt fellow dr Beghelli: research project

Dr. Michelle Beghelli graduated from the University of Bologna and acquired her PhD in Early Medieval Archaeology at the University of Mainz. Her thesis was awarded the Dissertation Prize of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft. She received doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships, has worked in international research projects, taught and participated in conferences in several European Countries, and authored and co-edited a number of scientific papers and books.

In 2021-2022, she will work at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, thanks to a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, carrying out her project «Elite networks and mobility of building craftsmen. Shaping the European landscape, 7th-9th centuries».

Contacts: mbeghell@m.ffzg.hr; mibeghel@uni-mainz.de

Zhejiang University, China (visit 06.06.2019.)

Professor WANG Ning Distinguished University Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Changjiang Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Tsinghua University in China.

(Lectures in March 2019.)

University of Cincinnati , USA (visit 10.03 .2017)

University of Tokushima, Japan  (visit 10.3.2017)

“EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion” is a unique service providing access to a complete range of practical information for European and non-European researchers wishing to pursue research careers in Croatia and all around Europe