Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is dedicated to creating a stimulating environment for top-quality research in social sciences and humanities. By way of integration into the European Research Area, we are ensuring a greater impact of our research and enabling young researchers to access advanced technologies and skills. Being responsible towards the past and open to the future, we are exploring and critically evaluating national legacy and identity. By believing in the principle of freedom in research, we are encouraging researchers to shape relevant questions both within traditional research fields and in the interdisciplinary environment. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences recognizes and accepts its role in creating a more progressive society. With our professional and scientific expertise, we are helping the society to recognize and successfully respond to local, national and global challenges. Taking advantage of our location in the capital, we are strengthening relations between the Faculty, the public and the private sector, creating a basis for innovative partnerships and a comparative advantage for students entering the labour market.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers 92 university study programmes, of which 44 are undergraduate, 47 graduate and 1 integrated undergraduate and graduate study programme. At the undergraduate level, the Faculty offers single major and double major study programmes, which are designed as general studies; they last for six or eight semesters, during which students acquire a minimum of 60 ECTS points in one year and get the knowledge necessary to continue their higher education at the graduate level.

There are two models of study programs: single major (all courses belong to one program) and double majors (student studies in two equally important programs for equal degrees in both of them). Single major programs are Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy, Information Science, History, Comparative literature, Croatian language and literature and English language and literature; double major programs are Philosophy, Archaeology, History, History of Art, Sociology, Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Comparative literature, Croatian language and literature, Pedagogy, Linguistics, Phonetics and languages and literatures (English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian, Spanish, Swedish, Classic Philology (Greek and Latin), Turkish, Indology, East, West and South Slavic languages). Faculty has more than 700 employees, with more than 500 academic staff as well as more then 600 part-time lecturers.


At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences students are provided with opportunities to explore various fields of Humanities such as history, archaeology, philosophy, ethnology, anthropology, history of art, languages literatures and linguistics, as well as social sciences such as psychology, sociology, information sciences and pedagogy.

Students with a BA or MA diploma are qualified to work in education, science, culture, libraries, institutes, museums, archives, tourism, media, publishing, journalism, economy, marketing, public relations, diplomacy, welfare services, public and local administration, various free-lancing professions (publicists, writers), etc.


Research Strategy 

Main research areas in humanities are philosophy, archaeology, history, history of art, ethnology and cultural anthropology, comparative literature, Croatian language and literature, pedagogy, linguistics, phonetics and languages and literatures (English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Greek, Turkish, Latin, Indology, East, West and South Slavic languages).

Research areas in social sciences are information sciences, pedagogy, psychology, and sociology.

Erasmus+ partnerships 2023/24.

 DEAN Prof. Domagoj Tončinić, PhD
E-mail:  dekan@ffzg.hr Phone: 00385 (0)1/4092-017 Room: D-12
Dean’s secretary: Ana Popović : E-mail: ured_dekana@ffzg.hr, apopovic@ffzg.hr
Phone: 00385 (0)1/4092-017 Room : D-13
Vice – dean for Business, Research and International Cooperation
Prof.  Miljenko Jurković, PhD 
E-mail: prodekan.znanost@ffzg.hr
Phone: 00385 (0)1/4092-226  Room: D-23
Vice-deans’s secretary: Blanka Bračić: E-mail: blanka.bracic@ffzg.hr
Phone: 00385 (0)1/4092-130 Room: D-20
Vice – dean for Education and Student AffairsProf. Ivana Vidović Bolt, PhD 
E-mail: prodekanica.nastava@ffzg.hr
Phone: 00385 (0)1/4092-171  Room: D-21
Vice – dean for Study ProgrammesProf. Dolores Grmača, PhDE-mail: prodekanica.programi@ffzg.hr
Phone: 00385 (0)1/4092-026  Room: D-19

Vice-dean for Organization and Development

Prof. Hrvoje Stančić, PhD 

E -mail: prodekan.organizacija@ffzg.hr
Phone: 00385 (0)1/4092-265  Room: D-22


Croatian language courses:
CROATICUM: http://croaticum.ffzg.hr/


Ground plan of the Faculty

University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Ivana Lučića 3
HR-10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 4092 111
Fax: +385 1 61 56 879

E-mail: ured_dekana@ffzg.hr
E-mail (international inquiries): international@ffzg.hr or tsveljo@ffzg.hr