meeting in person has to be scheduled via e-mail
Contact: Ivana Bedeković (Ms), student mobility coordinator: e-mail / phone ++385 (0)1 4092 138
ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2024/2025 (BA and MA study programmes)
- Lectures for BA and MA study programmes will start on 01.10.2024.
- PhD students will arrange activities with mentor/supervisor or Head of the respective PhD programme.
- Lectures at CROATICUM – For more information: , room: B-103
- Winter semester 01.10.2024. – 21.02.2025.
- Classes: 01.10.2024. – 24.01.2025. (02.10.-20.12.2024. / 07.-24.01.2025.)
- Exams: 27.01.2025. – 21.02.2025.
- Summer semester: 24.02.2025. – 19.09.2025.
- Classes: 24.02.2025. – 06.06.2025.
- Exams: 09.06.2025. – 11.07.2025. and 01.-19.09.2025.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All guest students are OBLIGATED to contact departmental ECTS/CEEPUS coordinator(s) or Head of the PhD study programme/mentor/supervisor who will provide them with information about all academic issues (selection of courses, literature, guidance for research projects etc.) in order to finalize their Learning Agreements or research proposals. List of coordinators is available below at this page. We will take into consideration only those Learning agreements that have been approved by departmental coordinators at receiving institution.
- Information package – general BA MA PhD incoming students FFZG 2024-2025 -SUMMER
- Information Guide – SUMMER SEMESTER
- OIB – PIN request form
- OIB request form – English translation
- OIB Zahtjev – Croatian – to be filled in
- ZET – Public transportation – how to fill it out
- ZET – Public transportation form 2024/25
- INDEKS – Instructions on how to fill in the Indeks
- Enrollment form
- Electronic Identity – wifi – request
COURSE CATALOGUE- for more details on specific course please contact departmental ECTS coordinator
FREE Online Croatian Language Courses: A1.HR – A2.HR
LEARNING AGREEMENT – OLA (Online Learning Agreement)
Academic year 2024/25 is still partially transition year in a process of implementation OLA. Therefore we can accept both: OLA and LA in a word format. OLA is possible only if both institutions (sending and receiving) can provide it via online platform. In case that one institution does not use OLA, we will sign the LA in a classic way. For that purpose students can use LA form from their home (sending) institution or the one that is available below. It is important (in both cases – classic LA and OLA) that important information is correctly listed. Please refer to the data information below.
OLA/LA will be signed after the evaluation process. In the phase of application LA/OLA has to be signed only by student and responsible person/coordinator at the Sending institution.
- Learning-agreement – Erasmus+ word document / this template can be used if OLA is not applicable
- Learning agreement – general / this template can be used for: BILATERAL EXCHANGE; CEEPUS, FREEMOVER etc...
Students can use LA templates/forms from their home universities but it is required to be filled out as follows:
- Host institution: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
- Address: Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- Erasmus code: HR ZAGREB01
- Contact person: Ivana Bedeković, email: / , phone: ++385 1 4092 138
- Responsible person: Željka Miklošević, PhD; Faculty ECTS Coordinator, email: , phone:++385 1 4092 348
HORIZONTAL MOBILITY (elective courses at other faculties)
Students can combine courses from different faculties under the following rules:
- One Learning agreement or OLA cannot be use for courses form different faculties. For each Faculty student has to make separate LA or OLA.
- At least 70% percent of courses have to be at the Host institution/faculty and maximum of 30% at other faculty
- Horizontal mobility has to be approved by departmental coordinator from the “other” faculty
- Courses from different faculties cannot be in the same Learning agreement (one LA for each faculty)
- Form for the enrolment approval of elective courses – it is issued upon student’s arrival by the student mobility coordinator at the Host institution/faculty (one form for each elective course – maximum 30%!)
IN CASE YOU NEED A DOCTOR (upon arrival in Zagreb)
For any medical assistance please contact our School of Medicine Centre for Health Activity. In the link below you can find updated schedule of our doctors along with phone numbers of doctors on duty. The schedule is regularly updated.
Please, don’t visit hospitals’ emergency rooms if the situation is not really urgent.
If it’s a weekend / bank holiday, you should go to the EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE INSTITUTE located in Heinzelova 88. This hospital receives accident victims and patients with sudden, serious illnesses 24-hours a day.
In emergencies for which an ambulance is needed dial 112! 112 is the emergency number for fire, ambulance and police. You will be asked to explain what has happened, where it has happened and from which number you are calling.