Služba za informatiku obavještava da će danas (26. travnja 2021.) svim aktivnim studentima Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu biti poslana elektronička poruka koja slijedi u nastavku.

Za: <ime studenta>, student


(Vase pitanje sada je vjerojatno: “Kako mogu znati da je ovo prava poruka, a ne neka prijevara usmjerena na krađu moje lozinke? Molimo, pogledajte glavnu internetsku stranicu Fakulteta i tamo cete naci istu ovakvu obavijest.)

Ovo je jednokratna obavijest da je adresa e-poste <email studenta> zavedena u ISVU sustavu (Informacijski sustav visokih ucilista) kao Vasa sluzbena adresa e-poste za dopisivanje s Fakultetom i mi ju saljemo na sve Vase adrese koje su nam poznate.

Naime, ISVU sustav je kao novu funkcionalnost omogucio nastavnicima da vas izravno kontaktiraju s Nastavnickog portala ISVU sustava, a buduci da smo do sada imali mnogo problema s pristizanjem poruka e-poste na vanjske adrese, Uprava Faulteta je odlucila da se za ove namjene trebaju koristiti fakultetske email adrese na Office 365 sustavu. Sluzba za informatiku moze nadzirati i pomoci oko problema s tim adresama, kao i ustanoviti je li poruka poslana i je li pristigla kako od nastavnika studentu tako i obratno.

Dakle, od sada se od Vas ocekuje da provjeravate pristigle poruke u ovom sanducicu elektronicke poste. Ako niste vec upoznati s ovom Vasom  adresom e-poste, skrecemo Vam paznju da je ovaj sanducic e-poste na Office 365 sustavu i da na tom sustavu vec imate racun <Office 365 racun studenta>. Ako Vam sve to zvuci nepoznato, vise o tome procitajte na adresi . Tamo cete naci i poveznicu preko koje mozete zatraziti novu lozinku za Office 365 sustav (ako poznajete korisnicko ime i lozinku svog AAI racuna). Imate li kakvih problema s AAI lozinkom, javite se na adresu

Dodatno, iskljucivo na svoju sluzbenu adresu e-poste cete moci dobiti e-potvrde o studiranju i slicno, sto ce uskoro biti omoguceno. Pri tome primijetite da cete i dalje dobivati obavijesti od ISVU sustava kao sto su prijava i odjava ispita itd. na onu adresu koju ste ranije prijavili u ISVU sustavu. Molimo Vas azurirajte ISVU sustav i u njega prijavite ovu svoju sluzbenu email adresu. Vise informacija o tome mozete pronaci na .

English version of the message.

To: <student name>, a student

Dear student,

(Your question now should be “How can I tell whether this is a genuine mail message and not just another phishing mail trying to steal my password? Please, visit the Faculty main website and you will find the same information there.)

This is a one-time note that email address <email> has been registered with ISVU (Information System of High Schools in Croatia) as your official email address for your Faculty affairs and we are sending it to all addresses we know of you.

Namely, as a new functionality, teachers can now contact you directly from the ISVU Teacher Portal and, as we had numerous problems in the past with lost email messages with students’ external email addresses, Faculty management decided to enforce usage of Faculty’s Office 365 email addresses with that new ISVU feature, which our IT personnel can control and help with (and find whether some email message had been sent and received, both from a teacher to a student and vice versa).

So, from now on, you are expected to watch that mailbox for official mail messages. If you are not familiar with that existing address of yours, please note that this address is on the Office 365 system and that you already have an account <office 365 account> on that system. If you are not aware of that, please read materials at the address . You will find there a link to request a new password for your Office 365 account (provided you know your AAI username and password). If you have any problems with this, please contact

In addition, soon you will be able to get e-certificates related to your student affairs at this Faculty using exclusively your official email address. Please note that you will still receive system notifications about exam registrations, exam cancellations, etc. to that other email address that you previously entered in the Studomat app. However, we recommend that you update the Studomat app to use your official email address. More about all of this that can be found at the address .