U sklopu projekta ”Izazovi za društvene i humanističke znanosti: novi studiji i sustav kvalitete Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu”, u utorak 11. siječnja ugošćujemo profesora Markusa F. Peschla.
Profesor Peschl je profesor kognitivne znanosti i inovacije na Sveučilištu u Beču, vrhunski stručnjak i znanstvenik koji inovaciji pristupa s teorijske, ali i primijenjene i praktične strane. Dobitnik je niza nagrada za svoj znanstveni, ali i nastavni rad u području inovativnog pristupa sveučilišnoj nastavi.
Gostovanje uključuje predavanje i okrugli stol – utorak, 11. siječnja 2022. u Vijećnici Fakulteta.
Predavanje će se moći pratiti uživo od 16:00 do 17:00 sati te preko Zooma.
Poveznica: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85053829696?pwd=c2V3cHFOSDAxUGFUcG9GMnA1KzhSUT09
Meeting ID: 850 5382 9696
Passcode: 803851
Okrugli stol počinje u 17:15 i traje do 18:15 te se odvija samo uživo.
Innovation as engaging with and shaping the future
Innovation entails anticipating and shaping the future.
Why is it that most innovations are not so much about the future, but about extrapolating the past and coming up with more of the (almost) same? Taking a closer look at our cognitive capacities reveals that our mind has great difficulties dealing with a future that is highly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (i.e., today’s VUCA world).
This talk shows how assuming a radically future-oriented perspective will change the game. It is about actively engaging with future potentials and co-creating thriving innovations by making use of an unfolding future.
A short bio:
Markus F. Peschl
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
theLivingCore Knowledge and Innovation Architects, Vienna, Austria
Markus F. Peschl is professor of Cognitive Science and Innovation at the University of Vienna.
His focus of research is on the emergence of novelty (“Emergent Innovation”), 4E-approaches in cognitive science, future-driven organisational design, and (organisational) enabling environments (“Enabling Spaces”) that are fostering knowledge and innovation work. He is co-founder of theLivingCore Innovation- and Knowledge Architects and has published more than 150 articles and six books.
For further information see: www.univie.ac.at and www.thelivingcore.com