Na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu održan je od 4. do 6. srpnja 2024. sastanak koordinatora CEEPUS mreže Slavic Philology in Its Cultural Contexts. Na sastanku su uz koordinatora s Filozofskog fakulteta (Darko Matovac) sudjelovali koordinatori s partnerskih institucija sveučilišta u Grazu, Skopju, Sofiji, Beogradu, Bratislavi, Pragu, Ljubljani i Olomoucu. Tijekom sastanka koordinatori su izmijenili iskustva te razgovarali o budućim zajedničkim aktivnostima. Cilj sastanka bio je učvrstiti mrežu, koja je jedna od najstarijih CEEPUS-ovih mreža i koja je osnovana upravo na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
CEEPUS je srednjoeuropski program akademske mobilnosti sveučilišnih nastavnika i studenata, a u mreži Slavic Philology and Its Cultural Contexts tijekom akademske godine 2023./2024. uspješno sudjeluje više od dvadeset sveučilišta s područja središnje Europe.
Više informacije o CEEPUS-u nalazi se na internetskim stranicama Agencije za mobilnost i programe Europske unije.
Mreža Slavic Philology in Its Cultural Contexts usmjerena je na slavensku filologiju. U jednakoj su mjeri naglašeni unapređenje filoloških i lingvističkih kompetencija i jezičnih vještina kroz akademsku nastavu, kao i razmjena teorijskih i metodoloških pristupa učenju i poučavanju jezika. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva mreže je olakšati suradnju između partnerskih institucija pružanjem zajedničkog okruženja za filološko obrazovanje, čime se stvaraju mogućnosti za dvosmjernu razmjenu znanja i kulturnih kompetencija. Osim naglaska na unapređenju jezičnih vještina i obogaćivanju filološkog znanja, ključni čimbenik u ovoj mreži razmjena je kulturnog znanja, što je uvelike podržano imerzivnim okruženjem koje pružaju zemlja i institucija domaćin.
Coordinators’ meeting for the CEEPUS network Slavic Philology in Its Cultural Contexts
The coordinators’ meeting for the CEEPUS network Slavic Philology in Its Cultural Contexts was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb from July 4 to July 6 2024. The meeting was attended by the coordinator from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Darko Matovac) and the coordinators from the partner institutions at universities in Graz, Skopje, Sofia, Belgrade, Bratislava, Prague, Ljubljana and Olomouc. During the meeting, the coordinators exchanged experiences and discussed future joint activities. The aim of the meeting was to strengthen the network, which is one of the oldest CEEPUS networks and which was actually founded at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb.
CEEPUS is a Central European programme for academic mobility of university teachers and students. More than twenty universities from Central Europe successfully participate in the network Slavic Philology and Its Cultural Context network during the academic year 2022/2023. More information about CEEPUS can be found on the website of the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes.
Network Slavic Philology in Its Cultural Contexts is focused on Slavic Philology. It equally emphasizes improvement of philological and linguistic competences and language skills through academic instruction as well as the exchange of theoretical and methodological approaches to language learning and teaching. One of the network’s main objectives is to facilitate cooperation between the participating institutions by providing a shared environment for philological education, thereby creating opportunities for bidirectional exchange of knowledge and cultural competencies. Besides the emphasis on the improvement of language skills and the enrichment of philological knowledge, a key factor in this network is the exchange of cultural knowledge, which is greatly supported by the immersive environment provided by the hosting country and institution.